What is CopyTrans Suite

This software is an alternate to iTunes. It works for ipods, iphones and ipod touches. It can be used to:

1. Backup and recover your ipod and iphones.

2. Copy and sync music, photos, videos to and from your ipod, ipod touch or iphone to and from the computer.  

3. And more!

I have used it myself and it is great, even a better alternative to iTunes in some cases. It picks up even jailbroken iPod Touches and iPhones.

For more information go to its website at http://www.copytrans.net/

Here's the full download. Follow instructions to get full version. 

Copy Trans others, keygen and readme file.rar Copy Trans others, keygen and readme file.rar
Size : 11150.29 Kb
Type : rar
Copy Trans doctor, manager and photo.rar Copy Trans doctor, manager and photo.rar
Size : 14987.131 Kb
Type : rar
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